
Who will take home these noble trophies?  Come and see at 5:45pm tonight!  It's on!  WOD TBA.

MONDAY 110912

Four rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
95 pound Thruster, 15 reps
15 Pull-ups

Austin Malleolo 10:40, Jeremy Kinnick 12:22, Janece Katona 15:26 (65lbs).
Post time to comments.


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  1. How apt…I plan to work out in my Gold thong this evening. LOL!

  2. if you show up to WOD in your gold thong…we’ll let you win

  3. Good luck to the competitors, who’s bringing the beer??

  4. Typical Frenchman.

  5. That WOD was awful. 24:+ Rx… Good luck to everyone tonight!

  6. Agree completely. I think it was Kevin that described it as Fran’s uglier meaner sister, which felt about right.