
IMG_0693 Great fun at the Pedal with a Purpose ride yesterday!

HQ Rest Day.  CFNF ALT WOD:  Angie


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  1. I’M BACK!!!!!! and I get to tackle ANGIE….looking forward to seeing the gym and everyone..The pictures look great!!…..Two weeks was a long time off…AND I am so not looking forward to getting on that scale…..but am looking forward to a brutal beatdown!!! see the usual suspets at lunch…:)

  2. SUSPECTS!!!!!

  3. Good job on the bike ride you guys!

  4. ANGIE was okay…my hands ripped around the 70th pull-up…:( But did finish in 26:39 RX….was trying for 25 minutes..After 2 weeks off….happy to say I ACTUALLY lost 3 pounds….so NOW I am more motivated than ever…..great job lunchtime crew….Ben killed it…The BOX looks amazing…just love it!!! Great job Brad!!

  5. Johnny Law says

    The bike ride was fun but I will have to admit i am a little sore. Beating those 10year olds really took it out of me.

  6. Great job to Ben today for getting on the board!

  7. bsawkins says

    Was almost on the board twice, as I nearly met Pukie for the first time. LOL!
    Being at CFNF has paid off for me big time, I’m fitter and stronger in tandem, than I have ever been before. The competition is the best bit!! Love the lunchtime workouts and peeps. Just need to find a 25th and 26th hour in the day, to make it in twice a day for the strength bias.

  8. Lots of new old faces today at lunch! Good to see Travis, Anton, and Brandon back! Oh yeah, and it is ok seeing Bostic too.

  9. Well done today!