Merry Christmas Eve WOD


20 KB Swing/50 Squats

20 Pull ups/40 Squats

20 DL/30 Squats

20 Dips/20 Squats

10 Manmakers/10 Squats

Storm through for time.

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  1. cheri aka gigi, founding member of Crossfit N. Fulton says

    Trying to get dinner in the crock so i can get there by 10.

  2. It was a good one today. Witt and Jenny you guys did a great job today.

  3. cheri aka gigi, founding member of Crossfit N. Fulton says

    Whew…that was a fun one, like the maneater finish!!
    Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

  4. kim....satan in a sportsbra says

    Great job everyone!!!! Kyle was the big winner!!!! Merry Christmas! See you guys on Thursday.

  5. christian black says

    What’s a Manmaker?