Kudos to JT for Rx’ing yesterdays HQ WOD! Jason went from one muscle up to almost an entire WOD with muscle ups! Nice job!
For time:
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards
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That should be interesting, running backwards down the hill. I foresee myself falling on my ass.
Big props to my boy JT! Can’t wait to see how you tear it up this weekend!
So, while I found the jumping MU’s using the little purple band very effective yesterday (and I really do think that will help my dips a bunch), my legs now look like I was hit by a slow moving car. I have bruises (or one giant continuous bruise per leg) that almost cover my shins. It’s very attractive. It actually hurts to wear my trouser socks.
BTW, ditto to Martine on running backwards downhill – can’t wait!
Hey Guys! We were wondering if any of you have a tailgating tent(not a camping tent) that our group can use this weekend at the Garage Games. If so please let me know if it would be something we could borrow. Thanks!