DSC_0018 Kali works on her kipping pull up.


For time:
100 Burpee pull-ups

Ideally, the pull-up bar is one foot above your reach.

Post time to comments.


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  1. yay sweet pic kali!

  2. Brad and Kim, I like the focus on form/technique the last few days. I feel like I got better. Thanks for the coaching

  3. well, that was fun.

  4. how are those shins?

  5. In the words of Hagler…Reeeaallllyyyy?

  6. The first 30 burpee/pull ups felt great. The remaining 70 were agonizing. 16:41Rx

  7. So exactly why am I suppose to come in and do this workout?
    You are my hero that you did that in 16mins..Mine would be 1.6 hours.

  8. One burpee, one pull up, use band. I can make u an alt wod if needed.

  9. Yea, I’m pretty happy it was m rest day!

  10. Rough workout…but a good one nonetheless. Enjoyed today’s company…special props to Blake and Annimal!
    BTW, does anyone know when the next full moon is?

  11. i don’t have a good excuse…try again tomorrow!

  12. great job, it was tough…you beat me by like 4 seconds…damn

  13. 16:11 rx…not that bad, I think I am starting to like burpees

  14. Great performance, Stringer, BUT…it does help that your reach is 2 inches from the bar!!!

  15. I heard there was a full moon rising.

  16. I think it came early today at high noon.