
Jpo rocked it at the Challenge this weekend!

Seven rounds for time of:
75 pound Shoulder Press, 21 reps
21 Back extensions

An alternate WOD will be posted at the gym.

Post time to comments.

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  1. Whew. Early early is not my thing. I needed more coffee for this work out. 31.31 rx on the alt. WOD. That work out was not feeling good on my stomach this am, but everything else felt great.(I took the burpees outside in case I met pukie) Thanx for running with me Hicky. I appreciate the 5:45 am crowd’s support. I was draaagggging this am.Glad that’s done and I am gearing up for a much better day Wednesday.
    See ya tomorrow.

  2. PS. Jpo you did rock!!!!! Sweet picture.

  3. jenny.... Jpo says

    Thanks Pebbles! I saw this picture this morning and screamed at the computer…do I always look this scary??? so what is the alt. wod? please do tell….

  4. 5.45am crowd was amazing…loved that Eddie did the GENERIC workout NOT prescribed. After your performance today Hicky- I can see why the alternate is named after you! Pebbles- those pull ups!wow

  5. Uh..Gigi….the challenges are on Saturdays! From what I hear, it is a “challenge” for you to get out of bed.

  6. Austin M says


  7. Austin M says

    Awesome day of working out today. Lots of fun, lots of good competition.
    I will be there bright and early tomorrow for the 7am. We shall see what kim/brad will have for us on a Main Site rest day!!
    p.s. Don’t let hicky get a big head, shes got a 2 day winning streak against me, I shall end it tomorrow….I hope…