It's not all blood, sweat and tears at CFNF!
5 Rounds for time:
6 Med Ball Cleans
7 Snatch (75,55)
8 Pull Ups
9 KB swings (70,45)
Workout courtesy of another CrossFit, though I cannot remember which one. Post time to comments.
More Blake wannabes!
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I think Blake should take a picture wearing the wig.
most awkward pushup ever attempted = the 4 person pushup square.
i suspect sabotage on management’s part – tomorrow’s HQ wod just happened to favor the stronger runners, who just happen to be mostly on one team, which just happens to not be brad and kim’s team…. hmmm….
well. I’m definitely in favor of this one and I’m not a Pimp!!!
plus…we just did the run/squat WOD last week 😉
nice job on the ring dips GND.
What happened to the HQ WOD?
First, Scuffy’s participation isn’t counted. Now we are not doing the WOD from HQ.
Mmmmmmmmmm, I’m beginning to wonder about a few things.
Hey, can Pebbles and I change the WOD for Thursday if we don’t like the HQ WOD?
Since we only have ONE 70lb KB and ONE 20lb Dynamax ball, seems to me this could be a harder WOD to implement and execute.
Big Ed, I think I speak for us all when I say will you please STFU?
Probably not. Just echoing some similar thoughts from members of my team.
I dunno, we’ll kick pimp ass tomorrow, no matter what the WOD is… Except for maybe snack cakes and hotdogs for time.
Yep. I honestly don’t know if I can handle 70 lb KBs. I hate to do it, but this WOD I might have to do scaled.
oh or AMRAP in 20 minutes of making fun of Blake in a video. The pimps would probably win at that.
Ed, you just got bitch-slapped by the almighty Pistol.
Pistol, you just went from G to Gent with your comment.
Nope, being honest isn’t being bitch-slapped.
Just sayin’.
wow, did not mean to launch WW III with that comment! honestly, as sad as i am that i won’t be doing running and squats tomorrow, and as much as i think my team would crush that wod and earn major points, i think the whole point of this challenge is to get as many people as possible to come into the gym and put extra effort into their workout. all that can be done with any workout, even one with snatches and mean heavy kb swings, so bring it on.
Check the spreadsheet Ed!…..He was counted
Holy crap – 45 on kb swings! I’m not even sure I’ll be able to lift my arms over my head after the push presses.
In the words of GND, “If this was Facebook I would ‘like’ this.”
You didn’t. This is just a ‘lil friendly banter.
If you are not arguing at some point, then you probably don’t have true passion.
This is nothing compared to what people were talking about how the qualifiers were run.
If you can’t handle a ‘lil smack talk during a competition, then I would wonder about your passion and heart.
I personally like this WOD better than the HQ WOD. I really don’t know abt the 70 lb KB, it’s really heavy for me. But if I have to go scaled, then so be it.
okay that was meant to Pistol’s STFU comment. WTF. STFU, Ed.
Let just hug it out people and have fun with this no matter what the WOD…oh and show up!
Again… if this was facebook… I would “like” this! Run 400m, 50 squats last week was brutal just after the challenge, so I’m all for a change… even though this wod looks very painful!
Big Ed….absolulutely NOT! You do not have the authority to change WODs! Pistol, Pebbles, Stanley, and myself do the programming round here!
I’ll be in at noon to kick some pimp a$$…in this order
unless Stanley comes in and changes the WOD.
I will be at CFATL tonight but expect nothing but a huge win today from the VICE.
Breeze, I was curious. What authority do I have in the gym. I want to add it to my facebook and Linked In page.
Also Blake I think you owe Pistol, Pebbles and Xena an apology for calling them old in your interview. Completely inappropriate.
Oh and Pistol. That picture is priceless.
You forgot about twitter and myspace.
good call DJ.
sure miss having you work out with us!
what was my bitchin’ time today?
nitro (the 1st place scaled) bomb
way to go Nitro Bomb.
to those on TEAM VICE not participating:
get your broke-down, lazy ass to the box.
we need your P points.
maybe you’ll place + then rack up even more points.
if i’m doing the WOD with a gimp wrist + a bum back,
you can too.
Bam-Bam you are @ the top of “Nitro’s Never-Taking-You-To-Bones-Again-Shit-List.”
nitro (the pumped up) bomb
G-dog….you have the same authority at CFNF as you do in your home…ZERO!
Why was there no complaining from Vice about Mon’s wod(running and burpees), that wasn’t headquarters wod? For those of you who don’t like the programming at our gym…Lifetime is up the road!
Well done Nitro…your time is holding up so far!
I dropped the f-bomb many times during the Running/Burpee WOD.
Does workout induced turrets count as complaining?
Brad i will be there in 5 minutes to hug it out with you!
thanks Pebbles.
got FP scaled on Monday.
my first.
i’m no longer a virgin.
nitro (the “i heart my trainers” bomb)
All I know is that 70lb kettlebell is a beast!
Nitro, did I ever tell you that you are f*ckin sweet?! Let’s drink beers tonight.
I think instead of KB swings, we should just swing Big Ed.
i “like” this, facebook-style
Geez – everybody get over the flipping workout and get your lazy butts to the gym!
Vice Squad Rules!
i’m bringing my A game at 5. who’s with me?
email me/call me:
it involves cocktails + a man.
nitro (the cupid) bomb
It would make since that everyoneis crazy today we are at the end of the moon cycle….just a little Fyi for you!
I also wanted to be the 40th person who posted today…Did I win anything?
Apparently drinks and a possible man from Nitro.
Don’t underestimate this WOD, especially after yesterdays WOD. My arms are screaming! I wish I could’ve figured out the snatches quicker so that during the first round I didn’t have to spend so much time on my ass. At least I managed to get the other 36 without falling.
Good job 8:30!!
I expect to see all my Pimps in the gym today. No excuses! We need all the participation points we can get. I CAN NOT LOSE TO MIGUEL.
Me too. I “like” this.
this is exactly why blake has so many initials on his arm. do we need to add MB?
My A game will be there at 5:45!
Amazing that the most posts we’ve ever had is due to a fight over the WOD!
I agree with my Pimp Captain, Martine. That WOD was no joke! Definitely harder than it looks on the board. And as much as I would like to add to the witty repartee that is going on on the blog today, I will let the Pimps team’s actions and participation speak louder than words.
Oh and P.S. Even tho he is my competition this week, a big Xena shout out to Nitro for rocking the WOD today with a bad back. If my back hurt as bad as his, I would be in a fetal position on the couch with a heating pad and muscle relaxers, but he’s out there throwing that kettle bell around like it was his bitch! He’s da bomb!
Hey, if you guys are swinging me, just that mean I don’t have to use the 70 lb KB?
I’m pretty sure I “love” this… we can surely add that to the facebook commentary!
If MB means Miguel Beher, then yes.
does that mean you’re buying the beers then we’re tossing Big Ed around the bar?
kind of like a party pack?
Big Ed, might be a good way to meet chicks.
nitro (the f*ckin sweet) bomb
Dang, we have so many comments today that I had to click on “see more comments”.
Anyway, good luck to everyone on their snatch today.
Up yours Breeze. Can’t wait to sweep your leg when I get to the gym today.
thanks for the shout out.
you rocked too.
thanks to you + Breeze for pushing me past the pain.
will you buy me my very own kettle bell + we can call it
“Nitro’s Bitch”
that would be more than cool.
nitro (the bitch swingin’) bomb
my Snatch is just okay.
needs some work.
it’s not as, how do i say, pretty as Gdog’s snatch.
nitro (the snatch) bomb
This looks like a fun WOD. Wish I could be there. Sorry for my lack of participation but there comes a time when breathing takes importance over all other. Hope to see y’all soon.
Great job to the Vice Team today!
The 70lb KB swings killed me.
Blake, I hope you don’t mind that I wore your Elvis sunglasses today.
Crossfit gathering tonight at Cans on Crabapple Rd. at 8:00, we are under the name “Crossfit”.
you guys stay a while! i’ll come after my dinner at olde blind dog 🙂
Great job 12:30! It’s been about 2 hrs since I finished that workout and I’m still trying to recover… Good times!
Wow. 6,7,8,9 was never quite that hard.
65# Snatches were pretty easy. Thanks for telling me to touch and go Pistol. I was taking way to long on those. The 53# Kettlebell is a beast. Quite a bitch of a work out with that. Med ball cleans are a bitch if you do them right. They are exhausting. I liked that WOD…just felt a little tired.I was gassed. Next time I hope to move faster.
Go Vice. Hope I scored some points today but Pistol and Meatball were cranking right through that WOD when I left. Pistol, your snatch is better every time I see it!!!!!
Kudos to you too Meatball.
Brad….up yours!
That WOD was alot harder than I expected. The snatches, were fun, of course, but that damn 53lb kb kicked my arse! Don’t worry ladies, rx is 45! BUT Pebbles used 53 so I had to use 53! Dammit.
Thanks for the props Pebs! You got a nice snatch too! And so does Martine and Meatball! Katie, we’re looking forward to seeing your snatch later!
I’m disappointed Ed didn’t wear his I “clover” snatches shirt today for my camera.
Can you do the Crane too?
Wait… then what would I swing? I weigh less than Big ED?
Hey bigEd and I pulled some pretty good snatches too.
Thanks Pistol for the compliment on my snatch. It’s great to know we do snatches so well at CFNF!
thanks for the encouragement today, kim! that’s the kind of workout that suuuucks as you’re going but you appreciate it after.
ok time to drink.