Happy Birthday Scruff!

_DSC0032I love this picture!

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 rep rounds of:
185 pound Front squat
GHD Sit-up

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_DSC0004 Happy Birthday, David!

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  1. Ummm, why would that be?

  2. I’m having CF withdrawal symptoms up here in northern Michigan -what’s a good WOD I can do without without any equipment (except maybe a pull up bar)?

  3. Happy Birthday David!

  4. WOD 1
    run 400m, 50 squats
    4 ROUNDS
    WOD 2
    hill run
    50 squats
    hill run
    40 sit ups
    hill run
    30 push ups
    hill run
    20 lunges each leg
    hill run
    10 burpees
    hill run
    WOD 3
    5 pull ups 25 burpees
    10 pull ups 20 burpees
    15 pull ups 15 burpees
    20 pull ups 10 burpees
    25 pull ups 5 burpees
    WOD 4
    Prison Cell Burpees
    20 burpees; 20 lunges
    19 burpees; 19 lunges
    18 burpees;18 lunges….down to 1 and 1
    been doing the same type thing in NY 🙂

  5. Happy B-day Scruffy!

  6. Happy Bday Scruff!

  7. happy birthday scruffy!!

  8. happy birthday scruffy.

  9. 5 rounds for time:
    20 push ups
    20 squats
    20 pullups
    20 situps
    JT – 21-15-9

  10. Happy Birthday David!

  11. Happy Birthday David! Thanks Pebbles and DJ!

  12. Happy Birthday!!!!

  13. well done, kim! you make snatching 105 pounds look easy. thanks for all your help and words of wisdom today 🙂

  14. Did WOD 2 on an old Indian trail -did BOX JUMPS (no more abbreviations) on a bench in lieu of lunges and ran roughly 300-400m each time. Don’t know my time b/c iPod died, but I was WHIPPED afterwards – at least the 60 degree weather made it bearable. So is the beer I’m drinking…

  15. i like this. have fun!

  16. Happy Birthday!

  17. Katie is like the energizer bunny….she is still going!

  18. My legs are barely functioning. Damn it feels good to be back @ CFNF.
    Thanks for the shirt Peaches!

  19. holy hell that was miserable. i would do eva twice before doing that again. huge thanks to everyone who stayed to cheer me on; i appreciate it so much! next time, really do order pizza, make a beer run, and we’ll all be happy campers when i finish.

  20. Thank you all for the birthday wishes. It is really great to be part CFNF family!