DSC_0024HQ Rest Day.  Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!  Come see what Pebbles has in store for you.  

Class times are at:  8:30am – 12:30pm – 5:00pm
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  1. It’s going to be a fun day. Grab a teammate….or two.

  2. I am headed up there at 12:30…see yall then

  3. I’ll be there for the 12:30 asw well

  4. Well done 8:30.
    Team Kevin and The Donald moved the most pounds for the clean and jerks and Team Campbell and Hicky had the fasted run time.

  5. Wow! Great job 12:30. Quite Impressive. Way to run the mile Caswell.
    Garrett and Stringer moved 10, 800 lbs today. Sweet! Hicky and I counted that Stinger did his first 30 Clean and Jerks (135#) in 2:32. He will have an awesome Grace time.
    Campbell and Hicky remain the fastest at a combined time of 15:70.
    Scruff had an awesome mile time of 7:40.

  6. Very Impressive Stringer. I could not believe you were finished with 30 C&J’s in 2:30.