Hickey’s Fight is Saturday at 8:00pm at Wild Bill’s

DSC_0036Jacob gets a PR with 95 lbs!

800 m run
21 Deadlifts – 21 HSPU
400 m run
15 Deadlifts – 15 HSPU
800 m run
9 Deadlifts – 9 HSPU

Burpee Challenge Day 25!  Time yourself on this today and record it.  Buy in 300.

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  1. Great job morning crew! Michael, you’re getting faster! Looking good in the pic, Jacob.

  2. Nice PR Jacob!

  3. Way to go Jacob. Your a stud You can dance AND dead lift.
    Oooh hate to miss this one. Have fun everyone. I am in Savannah and pretty sore from the squat work out Tuesday anyway. Or maybe it was the 110 thrusters yesterday????
    See ya next week.
    How did your work out go yesterday Pistol? You and Jpo were takinG advantage of the day on your run.NICE!

  4. FOR SALE: TREADMILL – Trotter CXT Plus (Good Condition), protective floor mat included. $500
    If interested call me (770)560-9668

  5. I’m still walking like a got corn cob stuck up you know where from Monday’s WOD. This is gonna hurt! Bring it on!

  6. Congrats Austin on being sworn into the Army! Wish you the best. Probably be in tomorrow, just don’t know what time. Wed was my rest day (Tue was Michael for me) and I’ve been catching up on my sleep today so now I’m 2 days behind.

  7. thanks ed I appreciate that.
    great job evening crew. Blake, aka “flash” can freakin run.
    I kinda combined lynne and nicole…kinda
    5 Rounds of
    400 m Run
    Max Reps BW Bench press
    13-10-10-9-8 = 50

  8. ooooooh! “flash” I like it! How did Mr. Dj fare? I heard he beat my burpee time.

  9. Nadler, why would I want a treadmill when I can run up that freakin’ hill outside the gym?
    My terrible time for the 25 burpees is 3:47, but since I could barely do 25 6 weeks ago, I am pretty proud of myself. It can only improve if I keep doing burpees every day!

  10. Yep.. I got a 1:02 on the 25 burpees! It felt lik a lot longer. Can I get my name on the board for the record for that one??