Happy Birthday, Xena, Princess Warrior!
AMRAP 20 Min
10 Wall Balls
15 Sit Ups
10 Wall Balls
15 Sit Ups
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Happy Birthday Xena!!!
Happy Birthday, Xena!!
Happy Birthday, Xena!!
It’s the Birthday Princess! Happy Birthday Xena!
Happy Birthday Xena!! May you have a great and HYDRATED day 😉
Happ Bday Mrs. Snyder .
Thank you CrossFit Family for the kind birthday wishes plus the pink plastic jewelry with matching tiara. You sure know how to treat a girl! Stick a tiara on her head then make her do 8+ rounds of OHSs, WBs, and BJs!
Honestly, tho, thank you for makin’ an old girl look damn good if she does say so herself on the 20th anniversary of her 29th birthday!
Love you guys!!!!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Xena!
I can’t wait to get back to CFNF! Miss y’all!
Happy Birthday!!!