Happy Birthday Margie & Jonah

IMG_0100Happy Birthday Jonah!

Happy Birthday Margie!


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters
Max rep Pull-ups

Post number of pull-ups completed for each round to comments.

ATTN:  The gym is closed Saturday for the Challenge at the Cobb Galleria.

August is HSPU month!  Work on your HSPU.  Do one HSPU the first day of August, two the second and by the end of the month 31!  Focus on getting your head to the floor.

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  1. Happy birthday Jonah…

  2. Happy Birthday Jonah and Margie!!!

  3. Happy Birthday Jonah & Margie!!!!
    Heard a rumor that No Name Dan is coming back!!!!

  4. and Margie…

  5. Ssshhhhh! It’s not nice to spread rumors!! Yes, I have reached the point where I am in the worst shape of my life. I need to get my a*# kicked!!! I am sure that you guys can handle that!!

  6. Happy Birthday Jonah & Margie!!!
    Is No Name Dan bringing Stanley with him?

  7. Happy bday Jonah & Margie!
    Martine – we did Texas Hold em as an alt WOD

  8. Happy Birthday Jonah and Margie!
    Can’t wait to hear about the challenge tomorrow.
    Did anyone do Nicole? I hate I missed this one.
    We are at High Rock Lake until next Thursday!
    Take Care everyone!
    Thanks Big Ed for teaching my 4:30 today.

  9. dang it! Always when I can’t make it in.

  10. Well, the big boys (Michael,J.T. and myself) showed up for the 4:30 class. We decided to be ultra-studly and did TWO decks of cards! Time – 32:45. Michael had lots of fun and I got a ton of WBs.
    Take care.

  11. Can’t wait!