DSC_0092 Happy belated Birthday to Barney!

1000m row
10 Clean & Jerks (135,95)
20 CTB Pull Ups
30 Wall Balls (20,14)
40 Sit Ups
50 OH Lunges with bumper plate (45,25)
60 Double Unders

Complete one round for time.  Post time to comments.

DSC_0145 Proof to JT that his family was CrossFitting while he was lounging around on a cruise ship somewhere. 


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  1. Sean CFNFT says

    It is with great regret that I announce that CrossFit NFT may be closing our doors due to recent developments in modern fitness. Apparently word is spreading that “If you can sit, you can get fit.”

  2. As you can see by the photos that is what we do… GDog and I are switching CFNF to Crossfit Scaled….tshirts coming soon.

  3. Cool WOD.19 something RX weights and ball but red band on CTB. Feeling tired today.See you tomorrow for O lifting.

  4. Happy Birthday Barney!
    Sheri and Laura – I’m proud of you guys!
    6am-ers great job – I’m still hurtin’ after being off a week but I’ll keep plugging along with Doc, Buzz, J-Po and Robin as inspirations!

  5. 18:18 today. Didn’t get full completion on the CTB’s so no Rx. Good job 5:30.

  6. 18:18 today. Didn’t get full completion on the CTB’s so no Rx. Good job 5:30.

  7. what did u say?

  8. xena – YOU are an inspiration! i hope to be as strong as you when i grow up 🙂