DSC_0051Front squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps

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  1. Thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes yesterday. Yesterday, was all about planes, taxis, followed by the beach, and a bar tab. I didn’t have a chance to checkout the blog until this morning.

  2. The Mrs. and I are headed to FL for the rest of the week. Hope everyone enjoys a little quiet time without us.
    Oh on a side not. At this moment only Shandy and Pistol are safe. At last check I noticed only their two names on the sign up sheet for over priced popcorn for Collin. All I am sayin is that if your name is not on the list when I get back you better be watching over your shoulder cuz I (or someone who actually might scare you) will be coming after you.
    Up yours Breeze.

  3. Gdog you should have looked at the list before posting threats like this…but I guess you have to show up at the gym to read it!
    Also I would like to know what Xena had for breakfast this morning..I looked over after round 1 and she was back out the door running her heart out!
    Great Job am crew!

  4. GND looks pretty buff!

  5. Did 5 rounds of 400m / 25 burpees at Crossfit Thoroughbreds in Ft. Myers this morning. 21:08. Thought about doing the 6th round (CFNF did a block run for this workout I think), but thought better. I’ll be back in the gym tomorrow so Pistol can have me doing some more snatches. Fun?

  6. thanks big e 🙂 i thought i looked pretty hid, but considering that wod was one of the toughest i’ve done in a while, i’ll take “buff”

  7. Just in case you didn’t see my poem yesterday…..Where’s Adam and Peggy and Heather and Fred….Mark and Sniper and Hoss and Nitro….But do you recall…the most famous CFNFer of all…..Stanley the big bad dui cop, had a very shiny gun. And if he ever stops you, you better not turn and run. Like all the above CFNF’ers, Stanley hasn’t been to the gym. And if I see him on the streeeet he’s gonna get hit by Kim.

  8. Everytime I read this poem it makes me sad to think that all of these people are missing from the gym 🙁

  9. There once was a gym in the south,
    where everyone ran their mouth.
    They talked pull ups & push ups, box jumps & WOD’s.
    They posted pictures of CrossFit chics and their super hot bods!
    There is Xena, Jpo, Katie, & Amy
    For a BAD ASS like Hicky there is no match.
    ..Oh yeah, there’s Pebbles & Pistol with their infamous snatch!!
    There are also some dudes of whom I’m very impressed!
    They stand strong and proud, above all the rest.
    There’s Breeze, Gdog, & Shandy to name a few.
    All of this I say is very true.
    Let’s not forget Big Ed….he’s definitely THE MAN!!
    …just don’t drop your guard cuz here comes NO NAME DAN!!!

  10. I just got OWNED!

  11. I wouldn’t go that far…lol
    I’m no poet but I gave it my best shot!!
    I couldn’t think of anything else better to do at work!!

  12. Dude, you should write cards for hallmark for a living, that was awesome.
    Here’s my attempt at a Haiku.
    Crossfit North Fulton
    Burpees hurt, and so do squats
    Pools of sweat abound

  13. Boys Rule,
    Girls Drool!

  14. front squats + Alt WOD = beer me
    enjoyed wodding with kimi. no matter what AC says, she’s a tough one.
    btw, not only do these crossfit wods make me sweat, but every time i do a crossfit WOD i leave the gym smelling so ripe i have to go straight home and shower. i guess that means it’s working?

  15. Hahahahahahahaha!!!
    I love it.
    Frame it for the wall !
    In Florida…….. See u guys soon!

  16. Wow! Really?

  17. why should we be “watching over our shoulder”? are you going to do something to us from behind? sounds like you and Breeze need some alone time together…oh wait based on your final comment, looks like you’re already moving in that direction
    yea…i went there