Jacob got a PR with 95lbs!
The CrossFit 300
25 Pull Ups
50 Deadlift (135#)
50 Push Ups
50 Box Jumps
50 Floor Wipers
50 db Clean & Press
25 Pull Ups
Post time to comments.
A special thanks to Leiutenant Justin Wilson & the city of Alpharetta and Johns Creek for hosting the Rape Prevention Course last night. This was an incredibly useful class. If you were unable to attend this class there will be another in August.
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Nice job Jacob!
I’m just a bit sore now! 😉
Worked out with Crossfit Sugar Land this morning. It’s nice to run on flat land for a change =)
I missed you guys a lot today. And your WOD sounds like it would have been fun too. It’s weird working out with a whole different crew. Brad and Kim, you guys are AWESOME! See you soon!
I made the mistake this morning of doing 4 rounds of 50 of squats, sit ups and back extensions (my back is still killing me from the deadlifts the other day – I was going to do ‘Michael’, but didn’t have the energy to run, so did squats), then got to work and saw this workout. Yesterday was a tad slow at work so I spent half the day reading all about how the actors in ‘300’ did Crossfit to prepare for the movie (thank you Austin for the tip about that). So now I HAVE to come this afternoon and do this workout!
Kamilah – I know you just left, but hurry up and get back and work out with us!
Justin – the class last night was great and very much appreciated.
See you guys at 4:30.
Great job this morning Marc and you too Tonto! Love the 300! I’m no Hicky but I held my own:) Thanks Brad for all the good words!
Kim – would you please email me the travel workouts when you get a chance? peggy.hellen@att.com
Thank you!
Great job today everyone! Scott, you rocked today! Keep working on those cleans, you’ll get em! Thanks again to Justin & Sarah and the rest of the Alpharetta Police for the Rape Prevention Class. If anyone was unable to attend be sure and attend the next one in August. Your life may depend on it someday.
P.S. Kamilah, we miss u too!
Thanks for the great workout! We’ll be back for more!
-Dave & Missy