Friday WOD


Christy Butch demonstrates awesome form on Air Squats!


Three rounds for time

500 m row

10 Barbell Snatch

20 Ring Push Ups

20 Ball Slams

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  1. Great work out today. Loving learning how to power lift. Looking forward to starting the CrossFit Block Diet and putting up some real weight in the future! (like Annie)AND being able to do those M/Us.

  2. I changed the snatch number to 10. 20 was way too brutal even for me. Christy, you and butthead need to try our new rubber jump band!!! You’ll love it!!!

  3. I’m totally up for a rubber jump band…whatever that is!

  4. Great job today Christy….perfect form on those hang cleans. Garrett, can’t wait to see you in the morning!