Friday – The Open starts next week!

Chaise is so cute!!  And Scott's looks great too!


3 X 3

or HSPU Ladder 1-5-1


FRIDAY 120217

Seven rounds for time of:
15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascent
10 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
15 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods
20 Double-unders

Post time to comments.


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  1. We will sub ring rows for rope climbs!
    Happy Friday!

  2. Jon our team!!!!! Team CrossFit North Fulton. Captain Christy Butch and Co-Captain Brad Trego!! MARCH 10!!!
    The more people that join our team the cheaper the race registration will be. If you have a student ID it is much cheaper too.
    Once our team is formed I have to call to get our heat time. I have been having everyone sign up for the 12:30pm time though!!!!
    here is the link North Fulton
    You can also find more information on the event listing page:

  3. first word is Join…..

  4. Good day all in all.
    Back Squat 320×5, Shl Press 175×5 (4) failed on fifth rep.
    WOD 12.47Rx – desperately need work on the rope climbs as they were slow and took the most out of me. Thanks to Kim for some coaching before hand it definitely helped, but I was still slow and technique broke down in the middle rounds. It’s a WOD that is more difficult than it looks; when isn’t it right?
    Lunchtime crew did great, lots of good work and effort.
    See you all tomorrow morning! Big week next week, Open here we come.