"Little Miss Sunshine"
Make up a missed workout or come in for a surprise workout.
The next local fitness challenge is Saturday, June 14 at CrossFit North Atlanta. As the event has grown, so has the bureaucratic hassle, and T-Rex is requiring that everyone sign up in advance. Sign up online here. Each event is better than the last, and this one looks to be no exception because rumor has it that there will be FREE BEER after it’s all over. These events are for everyone, not just elite competitors, so we want as many folks as possible to register and represent. As with the last challenge, points are awarded to each gym for the number of participants. We are the holders of the championship belt in this competition, and we want it to stay that way. So sign up now
Nice guns Peaches!!!!! I guess all that working out to “super freak” is paying off!
Im in pain 🙂
I love it.
Nice picture Peaches.
Get JPo to “bedazzle” your headband for you.
We are working all through the week-end in NY, NJ and CT. No Crossfit until I am back next Tuesday. This is not making me a very nice person right now. You may want to all get together and take my hubby for a drink Tuesday as he is receiving the brunt of my evil-ness.
See you soon.
we miss you pebbles! and you missed a FUN workout! Hicky and Tuna are awesome and Austin is the man! I know that 20 pound backpack mean ole Brad made him wear for the entire workout felt like 200 pounds by the time he was doing his 10 burpees at the end, but then the superman did a rope climb to top it all off!!!! Im-pressive!!!
It was certainly fun this morning. Sorry I made you ladies have to wait for me to get done, everyone did an awesome job.
And I like the idea that it was Brad’s fault that I wore the 20 lb(although I think its more like 21 lbs….mayyybe 22 :)pack. Yeah, we will stick with that. Hope everyone has a great weekend. I’ll see whoever isn’t hungover tomorrow morning!!
Austin, your wish is our command. Breeze and I got you hooked up! Feel sorry for your teammates though. 4 inch slosh pipe is filled and ready! Good job today everyone! That was a tough one. I especially like doing 80 push ups right after my 180 that I did with “Big Cindy”!
p.s. Pebbles we miss you! G-dog, up yours! i mean that affectionately!