Friday- HQ Rest Day.CFNF WOD below.

Pebbles' Mom kickin' some CrossFit butt! 

The Shubert Family (Linda, Nicole and Blake)kickin' some more CrossFit butt!

Have you brought in your  family members? Call us to set up a time(that works a little better than surprising us) to introduce them to our gym! 


5 Rounds

6 SDLHP 115/77

9 Front Squats (same bar)

12 push jerks (same bar)

Building run

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  1. Mark your calendars…There is going to be a Rumble in Roswell!!!
    We will be hosting a challenge against Crossfit Addiction on August 7th…more detail to come!

  2. This sounds fun….:)…Always down for a rumble…

  3. Sweet……bring it on! We get back from NY on August 6…just in time.

  4. Ah, that’s a shame, I am not going to be here for that one.
    Looking forward to today’s WOD.

  5. bsawkins says

    Today’s WOD was fun even though I failed to defend the gym. Beaten by Adam by 4 seconds (He’s in better shape than me). Good workout though. SDHP’s were hard. 16.52rx

  6. thanks for staying and motivating me Scruff….my time was 23 min rx……harder than I thought….

  7. Campbell says

    18:26 Rx

  8. The front squats got me!!