Friday – Day 26 HSPU

WOD #3

3 Min Row for Calories

1 Min Rest

3 Min HSPU

1 Min Rest

3 Min Box Jumps (you must come to full extention on top of the box)

1 Min Rest

3 Min KB Swings (70/53)

Score is total reps.  The bracket on the whiteboard differs from this one a bit.  The bracket above is the correct one and will be printed and placed on the board.

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  1. Jenny Schroeder says

    Timmy, this wod is right up our ally. Designated rest periods!!! Thanks Brad!!! You never know what team “Waterbreak” will pull out with some non penalizing rest lol. To our dear competitors, the Great Brits, we wish you good luck. We may envy your perfect physiques and respect your records breaking scores but we want you to know that we are not intimated! We are ready so bring it!!! 🙂

  2. I’m pleased to hear it, because Britt and I crushed it at lunch today. Especially Britt!
    Best of luck when you guys do it, it’s fun! We appreciate the compliments but are somewhat concerned by how apt your name is for this workout. LOL!
    Gotta love the competition!

  3. Jenny Schroeder says

    Congrats to the Great Brits!!! We put up an awesome fight but you all war!!! Timmy rocked the house today, so proud of my teammate 🙂