FRIDAY 100416
Four rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
Rest 3 minutes
David Lipson 1:19.1, 1:23.7, 1:24.3, 1:23.5.
Tommy Hackenbruck 1:29, 1:29, 1:36, 1:36
Ben Crook 1:24, 1:26, 1:32, 1:40
Rob Orlando 1:27, 1:32, 1:34, 1:41
Tanya Wagner 1:41.1, 1:44.9, 1:48.7, 1:47.7
Post times to comments.
Good luck to Brad and Garrett this weekend! They are going to Charlotte to get their CrossFit Football cert!
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Random quotes from the 6 am class (not naming names):
“I like this song, it usually makes me squat!”
“JT has something dead inside of him!”
hahahahaha! we definitely need to start a quote board.
That was a lot of fun 6am. Rowing sprints were very exciting! There was a lot of yelling in here this am (and not just cause Justin was here)
Nice work Hugh on breaking 2;00.
I can honestly say that this week was brutal, after McGhee yesterday I am toast. Taking today off and drinking some ice cold beer!
My back is screwed. Lots of pain and discomfort. Dr’s and chiro this morning added to woe, another droopy face on the board for the Brit “Waterboy” today!
I would have enjoyed this WOD to. Might be back on Sunday or Monday. I hope so anyway, getting withdrawal symptoms already.
I love that picture Pistol!
Alt WOD will sneak up and kick your ass today. 22:08. Would have been Rx but didn’t realize I loaded up the women’s bar for my Thrusters.
JPo – did you ever get your paleo kits from the gym?
Bostic smoked it tonight! Big surprise there. J.T. might have beat him if hadn’t done that very hard Hero WOD yesterday.
1:50, 1:59, 2:05, 2:03