

FRIDAY 100806

Five rounds for time of:
5 Muscle-ups
115 pound Overhead squat, 10 reps
15 Toes to bar
20 GHD Sit-ups

Chris Spealler 15:55, Kristan Clever 16:53 (95lbs), Laurie Galassi 18:03 (83lbs), Josh Everett 22:01, Pat Sherwood 22:45, Miranda Oldroyd 27:29 (83lbs), Tyson Oldroyd 27:37. Post time to comments.

Join us Saturday to WOD with CrossFit Addiction at CFNF at 10:00am!!!   

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  1. Good toes to bar Jpo. Just like a gymnast 🙂 and good work on the GHD Xena.
    Quite a work out to power through on a Friday!

  2. Thanks Pebbles…I felt like a turtle today…TGIF!!!
    Can’t wait to hear what the WOD is for tomorrow!

  3. AMRAP in 12 minutes of:
    1 shot Tres Generaciones
    1 Dos Equis Lager

  4. I would KILL that WOD!

  5. Didn’t we do that WOD last night. . . slightly dirty?:)

  6. 2 days in a row of beat-down WODs. That. Sucked.
    Shout out to TJ for pushing through and finishing Rx!

  7. Wow! That WOD seemed miserable! So proud of everyone at lunch pushing through all 5 rounds! Thanks to Campbell and Scruff for waiting for the second heat.
    It was also great to meet Tiffany. What a workout to start with!
    Great job TJ! I knew you could do it!

  8. Thank you to everybody for the encouragement especially Meatball. I wanted to quit. It took forever but I am glad you pushed me to finish. Great job to everyone!

  9. Mommy, it hurts!