FRIDAY 110204
Snatch balance 3-3-3-3-3
Kristan Clever 165lbs. Post loads to comments. An ALT will also be posted!
The Garage Games are this weekend! Team CFNF will be competing Friday and Sunday. This is an incredible event. Come on out and support Katie, Stacy, Beth, Ben, Brad & Alex!
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good luck CFNF at the Garage Games today! sorry i won’t be able to compete, but i’m sure Alex and Ben can pick up Brad’s slack
Thanks JT! Sorry you can’t be with us, you will be missed.
Team, I’m going to head over a little later, aiming to arrive between 3 and 3.30pm to check-in. You can reach me on my cell @ 770-880-1057 if you need me.
See you there.
Kim, Murph, Stacy, good luck tomorrow at the Oly competition. You guys will do great!!
I hope everyone does well at their respective competitions. Go get you some!!
Thanks to Pebbles, Kim, G-Dog and Breeze for making it a great workout day today, always feel better after a wod.
Good picture Campbell!
Enjoyed working out with my husband today. 13 something RX. Nice little WOD.
Jacklyn…it is always great to see you 🙂 or what is left of you. You are dissapearing!!!
I’m getting ready to make some Kale CHips. I am addicted I will put some recipes up on givingupgrains tomorrow after I watch my badass friends o-lift in their meet tomorrow.
Good work tonight Sophia. Sorry your hands ripped.
Heard form Meatball that our CFNF team held their own and had fun in spite of the cold and rain. So proud of you guys!