

CrossFit Regional WOD #6

3 Rounds of:

7 Deadlifts 345/225

7 Muscle Ups


3 Rounds of:

21 Wall Balls 20/14

21 Toe 2 Bar (Sub Sit Ups if you did yesterdays WOD)


100 ft Farmers Walk 70kb/53

28 Burpee Box Jumps

100 ft Farmers Walk

3 Muscle Ups

This is an advanced WOD.   An alt WOD will also be posted in the gym. Post time to comments.

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  1. Alt WOD
    For time:
    Run 400
    7 DL 225/155 and 7 burpee box jumps x 3
    Row 1000

  2. Advanced doesn’t quite accurately describe this one.

  3. Looks like fun…really wish I didn’t do the 50 T2B yesterday. I’m hurting too much from the week to do 345lb deads too, will probably have to make this one up next week.

  4. It was a nightmare, the 345lbs got heavy really fast and were just off-putting in terms of rhythm in conjunction with the MU’s. Got to the WB’s and T2B and completed two rounds of that and 5 more WB’s before the 17mins was up. A 17min time cap is unreal for this workout, I’m really interested to see who if anyone finishes this WOD inside the time limit.

    • I agree with Mindy. Loved the team mentality of the 5:30 class. Considering I was 2nd to last, the crehes really help motivate you to push yourself harder. The only issue with me finishing before someone is that normally at the end of a WOD I can’t freakin’ breathe so cheering and yelling for someone else is hard when your body is starving for oxygen! Today was day 4 in a row for me. I’ve really pushed myself this week and really have been WAY outside of my comfort zone. I don’t necessarily like the way it feels to not be in my comfort zone, but I like the results I’m getting from pushing myself harder. Taking Friday off, and assuming I’m able to move on Saturday morning, Paul and I most likely will be at the 8AM class.