FRIDAY 110218
Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Box jump, 24 inch box
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
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Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Box jump, 24 inch box
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
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Compare to 100915.
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Thanks to Blake for helping me get thru the cleans…..HATE the double unders…even more now…Had to do a class with little Blake…GND…and Stringer…was screwed before I even got started..So double unders need alot of work….Even though I gave you dirty looks…GND..I really thank u. Meatball killed it in 8:56 RX…..she’s the best BADUMF in the house!!!!! See everyone at lunch tomorrow..should be a beautiful day to run…:)
man the HQ programming is beastly this week. Two EVA, Kelly, Annie…three days in a row..that is just least the weather has turned and we can run in high 60’s weather..
A big thanks to Stacy and Ed for pushing me at lunch as I was ready to quit after round 2, my hip flexors and lower abs were on fire from Wednesday. Still, they kept me going with encouragement and expletives in equal measure and Ed ran with me on Rnd5. 24.39Rx. Not bad for that course. Also shoulder pressed 160 x3x3. Feeling pretty good…now.
great job today, don’t overtrain and tear anything…being gimpy sucks!
Thanks Ben and Stacey for pushing me…ben, thanks for running with me on round 4…my time no where near Ben…but glad to finish all 5 rounds rx….51:22rx…after the squat cleans last night…my legs are screaming …going to try and get one more workout in tomorrow at 10…see everyone then…I did get my name on the board for Kelly today…3rd place.
You’re welcome and good job!
I know and I am a terrible recoverer – meaning I don’t give myself enough time to rest so your words certainly resonate.
Looking forward to a time when you and I can workout together again and you can push me on the strength stuff. I need it and you, Blake and JT have got me easily covered in that department. Pound for pound, Andy and Ed are stronger than me also, so much work to be done there.
Are any of you guys going to be in @ 8am tomorrow?