Five rounds for time of:
40 pound Dumbbells split clean, 15 reps
21 Pull-ups
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Dumbbell split clean – video [wmv] [mov]
If your hands are feeling like hamburger from the muscle up substitution then substitute the pull ups for KB swings or Deadlifts.
DANGER! We got our Hopper Deck in the mail yesterday!
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Take a quick look at the photo most people would think that this is a pretty good finishing position for a medicine ball clean. But I see two faults with her form, anyone want to point them out?
And no kirtley I am not making fun of you 🙂
looking forward to todays WOD!!
I’m not sure about the clean but I know that is me in the early burpee position!
Jenny – I think you look great!
Brad – we still miss you and hope you’re getting better fast!
Her toes are pointed out a bit too far and her weight should be more in her heels… also she looks a little constipated 🙂 jokes jenners!!!
Well quite obviously i was doing it wrong…just testing all of you… to see how good u guys really are?!
to my slutty sistah: don’t take any sh*t from any of them, they’re just jealous of us slutty girls!!! DD wants to join!!!
Well, I got through it. That is all I can say about that WOD, except..DANG I tore my hands. It was a cool work out. I am glad no one snapped a picture of my form. It was awful. In between the split cleans…I looked like D D in that photo above.BUT…I liked the DB split cleans a lot.
Will get some rest and get back in the game tomorrow.not 100% today.
Nice work Joy, Lynn and Fred. It is nice to have you back in Fred.Way to work through it.
Miss you Brad.
Se ya tomorrow.
Great job 6am group.
I agree with Pebbles statement in regard to the workout. Just completing the workout was a feat.
However, I will say the workout provides a great opportunity to work on form and body synchronization for the Jerk movement.
Brad, hope you are doing well.
michael, i think you win the “best author” award for your posts. they are always so perfectly written!
see you all tonight.
12:51 Rx
Ripped my hand…again