
Congratulations Team Warriors!  

HQ Rest Day.  Alt Wod:

1 round for time
50 wall ball
40 double unders
30 KB swings
20 waiters lunge
10 box jumps

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  1. Congrats Warriors and thanks for making me better last week.
    Love that picture. Garrett and Xena play the part so well.
    It is a lot of fun at CFNF!!!! Thanks Kim and Brad and all CFNFers for making it that way.
    I am going to do a lot of Oly lifting this week, probably in the evening if anyone is interested who is already comforatble with the lifts. I am going to do Mike Bergener’s WOD’s if I can manage them along with Xfit this week. I just want to practice some more.

  2. After spending the night trying to figure out how our Stacked team lost, I have come to the conclusion that I must concede defeat to Xena and Team Warriors.
    As captain of team Jack Stacked I can only sit back and ponder what could have been. Being the consummate professional I will do what any good leader would do and take the responsibility of the loss and put it on my team. I absolutely blame all of you and will probably never speak to many of you again. I found it appalling that so many of you took little things like work, family, and religion over my glory. I am not going to name names, but I am especially disappointed in two “people” who instead of helping the cause boarded a flying machine and flew west to partake in a recreational sport.
    Just shows the loyalty of my squad. I bled pink for all of you and was repaid with a crushing defeat. We lost to a better team and a better captain. Xena I am proud of the way you handled yourself and your team. A true Warrior and champion.
    In closing, I would like to quote a famous Greek Philosopher by saying: UP YOURS BREEZE!!!!!!

  3. I thought it was, “To err is human, Breeze sux”

  4. Hahahaha! Y’all are hilarious.
    I had a blast this week — thank you Kim and Brad and the rest of you CF vetrans for welcoming me into this family so quickly. You will definitely see more of me now that I’ve had a taste for CF as a group. (I have no idea how I’ve been doing this by myself now that I’ve met all of you.)

  5. Hey Sniper!
    Tell Justin nice ad for Reinhardt College!

  6. Nadler – what’s your email and I’ll send that article?

  7. JPO, give him a hard time when he gets home this weekend.
    Pebbles- are you lifting tonight?

  8. I think Garrett missed his calling…He should have been a model!

  9. For a while there, I thought Stacy and I were out of sight, out of mind. But now I see we’re not forgotten, just hatefully remembered.
    Well done, Xena and Warriors! Looking forward to getting back to the gym tomorrow. I have really missed all you crazies.

  10. Sniper…..plans have changed but I will plan on tomorrow night. I plan to come in and do this 3 times a week. I time is on Wednesdays with Pistol. We always do Wed.

  11. Thank you G-Dog and everyone for your kind words, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m exhausted!! It was worth it, tho.

  12. Happy Anniversary Trego’s. What a painful miserable two years it must have been for you Pistol.

  13. Who’s Stacy?GND?
    Happy anniversary Brad and Kim!
    Great job Juice-Box! You totally kicked my ass on the WBs and DUs.

  14. Nice work night crew. Great job Hoss, Leigh, Peggy, Andrew, Adam, Isaac.
    Eirik, Bill and Sherri did a great job at 7:30.
    See you guys tomorrow.

  15. and Sniper RX…WTG!