DSC_0142 Congrats to Maryellen who won her MMA fight Friday night!

Five rounds for time of:
95 pound Snatch, 3 reps
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
Run 400 meters

DSC_0023 and best costume goes to……can you guess?  

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  1. This might be the best WOD ever!!!!!
    I’m going to have to sub power cleans for snatches and probably do front squats this time but this is a great WOD. We need more WOD’s with Oly lifts and OHS for sure.
    Whatever I do this am I am sure it will be STELLAR since I had a steady diet of beer, wine and Halloween candy this week-end. yuk!!!

  2. Did squat cleans a front squats for this WOD. took me forever. 29 something with 77lbs. yuk.
    today i’m claiming i am going to quit drinking!!!