Congrats Hagler, Katie and Hicky!

Snapshot 2009-11-22 20-23-01Congrats to HIcky, Hagler and Katie on your Level 1 Cert! 

HQ Rest Day.  Come see what's on the board.  

Holiday Hours:  

Wednesday:  6am, 7am, 8:30am, 12:30pm

Thursday:  10:00am

Friday:  8:30am, 12:30pm, 5:00pm

Sat – Sun:  Normal hours

Need professional photos taken?  Check out Martine's blog in "blogs we like"

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  1. Great Job Ladies!

  2. Yay Hicky, GND, and Hagler!!!!
    Way to go.

  3. Great job to all the Crossfit women.
    Can anyone please tell me what the WOD is today. Thanks.

  4. congratulations!

  5. Burpees, Back Squats and Baxter . . . .Oh My!!!

  6. I left yesterdays wod up, but gdog and I are working out at 1:30 if you want to come then. Not sure what were doing yet though.

  7. congratulations ladies — job well done.

  8. Baxter loves the gym! He is always so tired when he gets home from watching everyone!

  9. Awesome job ladies!
    I am hurting from those few burpees that I did yesterday! I need to work on my flexibility!!
    Is there an alt wod for today, or is it what Whit calls a “Spa Day”??

  10. Pistol…check this out. Mashed parsnips…..mmmmmm. I know you love parsnips!

  11. Way to go Ladies! Hags, figures your the one hitting on the guy in front of you!

  12. Ha!
    Nice work from the PMers tonight. Jt and Stringer on the rope were impressive and great job to Tyler, Campbell, Shandy and Amy on the BS/Burpee WOD.
    JT ROPE CLIMBS ARE YOUR THANG! I think he got 10 rounds.
    Brad nice work on those WODs too.

  13. hey man how did you do on the burpee back squat WOD?