Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 Pull-ups
65 pound Thruster, 10 reps

Post rounds completed to comments. Burpee Challenge Day 24.  Buy in 276.

ATTN:  Hickey's fight is this Saturday!  Please pay for your ticket by Friday. 


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  1. 11 rounds. A one-round improvement from the last time. Thanks Breeze for your encouragement.

  2. One comment today?? Really?

  3. Loving this photo 🙂

  4. i know, the posts have been lacking recently.
    10 rounds for me today! and my hands are missing pieces to prove it 🙂
    good job to the 6:30 group! blake and peaches, you are worthy competitors in a “three horse race” (thanks brad).

  5. Well after my great week last week, my lousy performance this week hasn’t been much to boast about.
    Michael was wondering if anyone’s up for grabbing a bite near Wild Bill’s before the fight…any takers?

  6. Simone – food before the fight would be great.