Check out the foot placement here, look how wide it is. Visualize this today when you are doing Grace. Photo courtesy of CrossFit Atlanta.
135 pound Clean and Jerk, 30 reps
Use 95 pounds, 65 pounds or broomstick as needed and post time and load to comments.
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Super excited about this one. Goal is sub 6 minutes…
Hey family! Kim, all of my people have shirts here. Thank you for checking! Give the dogs a hug for me.
4:58 Rx
Hella Happy
Reason why you should vote for Brad;
1. He cares about your fitness
2. He believes routine is your enemy!
3. He likes beer and football
4. He is married to Kim.
(she will murph your..a$#)
5. Bootcamp?
Vote for Brad!
6. I wouldn’t have finished the Alternative WOD without his help today. (Thanks Brad!)
Nice job Austin!