Check out Katie's shirt. Since it is freezing outside today we will not be posting "Eva" as the WOD. We will save her for a warmer day.
Snatch (105,75), burpees, pull ups
Post time to comments.
ATTN: Holiday hours are as follows: Wednesday we close at 1:30 pm. Thursday we are closed. Friday we open at 8:30am. All other classes are as regularly scheduled.
Shirt orders go in January 15th. Please see Kim or Brad to order.
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Woohoo – I finally made it to a 6am class – and Katie & Sniper were there, too – almost felt like it was our normal afternoon class.
Pistol – I forgot to give you $$ for my t-shirt – I’ll try to remember tomorrow.
Great working our with everyone today – see whoever shows up at 6am tomorrow!
that shirt is bad to the ass. the crossfit one, i mean 🙂
well done, everyone at 6 am. nice to meet doc and jason. you guys are awesome for regularly working out long before the sun comes up – i need a nap already and it is 8:45 am. pathetic.
looking forward to seeing the usual evening crowd tonight!
By the way, thank you Pistol for not making us do Eva – you’re the bomb!
I was getting geared up for Eva, but happy to see this WOD today. We are in South Carolina but are going to pack up and come home in time to work out tonight. I think this will be my first Rx with pull ups now I am kipping. ( I hope) 🙂 Yay!
Looking forward to working hard tonight. We have had 3 days off.
Katie-i love your shirt! i must have it! where did you get it?
thanks! it was the hot item at pebbles’ party. i found it in the nike running section at dick’s at northpoint. on sale!
I think we’re all going to have that t-shirt! Santa is putting it in my stocking. She also bought one for each of my 2 nieces.
This weather reminds me of my karate training back in Nebraska. Every year we would have at least one 2-3 mile run outdoors, wearing a gi and barefoot. One year when the temp dropped below freezing we went out for a 2 mile run. The biggest problem was there was no snow on the ground to soften the impact. I will never forget how painful it was to run barefoot for 2 miles on hard, freezing concrete and asphalt. I will never do that s*** again! Today is my rest day so I will see everyone tomorrow at the 12:30 class. I don’t know why, but every time I do Mary my left butt cheek is sore as hell the next day
27:?? 75lb snatch, thanks for the awesome workout today. That’s 2 WODs in a row with burpees and pullups, keep us in mind for a challenge next month!
I also love Otis soaking up the sun in the background in the pic . . .
P.S. I just don’t know what to say about Big Ed’s sore left butt cheek!
Wow! Miguel! You looked awesome tonight! You been on the sauce? Your oly lifts are much improved. I feel like a proud mama!
Thanks Pistol! Things just clicked for some reason. Felt good.