Blake the Bachelor from CrossFit North Fulton on Vimeo.

WOD and yesterdays results to be announced.

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  1. Baroque Down

  2. Anyone else having trouble sitting down today?

  3. I feel like I am walking with flippers on my feet

  4. Two words from Xena who picked today’s WOD out of the hopper:
    You’re welcome.

  5. what is the wod?

  6. I had two to choose from:
    150 Kettlebells
    7 rounds of 10 Med Ball Cleans and 10 Burpees
    Which one do you think I chose?

  7. sweet, i love KB swings

  8. Hopefully you picked option 2

  9. Peggy,
    You know how much I love the burpees.

  10. Think my shins are broken.

  11. A girl can dream.
    My left ACL and achilles are killing me! Either workout, my legs aren’t going to like me much.

  12. Sammy and I couldn’t agree on where to eat lunch after that WOD, so we decided to get a pitcher at Taco Mac…
    Maybe this will make my legs feel better

  13. I would llke to have Spider’s job…and Breeze WOW that is all I can say…..

  14. I put forth my best effort this am. 10:54 RX but Hicky tied me at lunch. Darn! We seem to tie a lot lately.
    It was fun to watch the lunch bunch.
    See you tomorrow!

  15. the more i watch this video the more i love it. blake’s dance moves and my eye rolls are perfectly captured.

  16. Today was a great day of competiton…..the best part was when Peaches beat Pebbles’ time but even better was when Peaches beat Hicky’s time!!! YUESSSSSSSS! I know Hicky is a kegger but some things deserve recognition!

  17. The HQ WOD for Thursday is the best wod ever!

  18. umm, it’s Ed, don’t know why my id showed up like that

  19. i’m sure everyone at the gym can do this one Rx

  20. i think everyone will love this wod, i really do

  21. I’ll be doing it on my feet.

  22. Peaches, you crushed me! Nice!