Pistolyelling  Blake is a good sport!

5 Rounds for time:

6 Med Ball Cleans
8 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
9 Db Swings (50,40)

Post time to comments.

ATTN:  Spring break hours will be posted soon!  Be nice to your substitutes!

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  1. Love this picture…

  2. Scary…
    Miss you guys..be back to try again soon!

  3. I think Blake is enjoying the attention.
    Great job to Steve and the 9:00 crew.
    Did “Lynne” by myself, first time doing this WOD the right way (in a Crossfit gym) – 223, as Rx’d. Ran the block run in between sets (4 times) backwards.
    Dash, u r a super fast kid!

  4. Great job 9am crew.
    Big Ed, thanks for the motivation and encouragement.

  5. Brad sorry about the other day! I had the girls. Mom was out on a girls night out. Dang I wanted that steak BAD!!!