The Pimps vs The Vice Squad from CrossFit North Fulton on Vimeo.

Four rounds for time of:
100 ft Walking lunge, carrying 30 pound dumbbells
24 inch Box Jump, 30 reps
pull ups – 20 reps

Oops!  Pistol forgot to add in the bonus participation points on Saturday.  UPDATE:  As of Sunday the Pimps are in the lead with 45 to 32!  Check out the spreadsheet

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  1. Sooo how many pimp rules are there? We really need to watch that team ‘CAUSE THEY CAN’T COUNT!!!!
    Hilarious video..way to go Pistol….to quote GND “I love this gym” ya’ll are the bomb.

  2. Ok. Admittedly, I had a problem with the number of Pimp Laws. But only because I’d had too much Pimp Juice the night before.
    Pimps, bust yo asses tomorrow. Don’t let the Vice Squad build on their scrawny lead. Be heavy handed with your bitch slap.

  3. Martine had poor study habits in pimp school. This is evident in tonight’s video. She barely passed stable management 101.

  4. hilarious.
    miguel, hope they let you out of rehab soon.

  5. Are we doing the HQ WOD Rx, meaning with the weighted PUs?

  6. hahahahahaha!

  7. Ed, No we are doing regular pull ups.

  8. 10am will be open for class today.

  9. This WOD sucked ass after doing “Diane” yesterday. The most pain/discomfort I’ve experienced in quite some time. Thanks for the 2 (3?) vice team members that actually showed up today.
    Even though Rain Man is on the other team, gotta give him respect for making the WOD harder than he had too and truly pushing himself today.
    Pebbles, your butterfly PUs are looking sooo much better!
    Peaches, you rocked it today! NO one had better form/rom than you did today. Every round, every rep you displayed great Crossfit video quality technique!

  10. I guess Vice did not get the memo ….
    Gym WAS open today !!!!!only me, peaches
    and Ed were representing today!
    Pretty tough WOD but so glad I did it
    RX. I was really scared of 120 24″ box jumps
    especially after weighted lunges. Congrats
    to the ones who did this today it was a big
    Pimps are in the lead …… But not for long biiaaatches!!!

  11. Sorry I was abducted by the pimps they lured me with happy hour anyway they released me around 1:30 to pebbles i am back now see you tomorrow…. Vice Squad time to slap some pimps around!
    PS: Love the logo!

  12. Brutal WOD…can’t imagine it with 30lb weighted pull-ups.
    Thanks for coaching us Pebbles. Up Yours G-do!

  13. you and Pistol did awesome. Pistol did not even need to use the 20″ box…she lands so lightly BUT good move since she is still healing. CTB pull ups are nice!!!!

  14. Thanks, Ed. The weighted kipping pullups were extremely tough. Shame to see that Miguel and Nitro could not make it in today. In the words of Xena, my former captain, “Actions speak louder than words”.