Every 4min for 4 rounds:
A1. DB Step-ups @1010 12-16/leg
B. Muscle Snatch – build to 4RM not TnG in 15min
3 rounds for time:
10 box jump step-downs 24/20
10 wall balls 20/14
400m run
accumulate 4min FLR
Friday Workout of the Day
Thursday Workout of the Day
Every min for 12 rounds:
A. 2 hang power cleans (Go as heavy as you can with good form)
Every 3min for 4 rounds:
B. DB Push Press 8-12
4 rounds:
5 Deadlifts (TNG) 225/155 185/135 105/65
Building Run
10 pushups
Wednesday Workout of the Day
Every 4min for 4 rounds:
A1. Back Squat @30X0 6-8 (increase your weight from last week)
A2. Powell Raise @3010 8-10
5 Rounds for time:
400m Run
15 OHS 95/65
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