20 front rack KB lunges 53/35
10 renegade rows 35/20
Rest 2 min
7 min AMRAP
7 power snatches 95/65
7 T2B
14 DU
20 front rack KB lunges 53/35
10 renegade rows 35/20
Rest 2 min
7 min AMRAP
7 power snatches 95/65
7 T2B
14 DU
Ring Dips @3010 X 6 reps X 3 sets
Bent Over Barbell Rows @3011 X 8-10 reps X 3 sets
for time:
42 1 ARM KB Swing – 53/35# Russian
84 squats
30 1 ARM KB Swing
56 squats
18 1 ARM KB Swing
28 squats
WOD courtesy of OPT. Post time to comments.
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These are the die hard 6AM CrossFitters!
800 m run
then 10 Rounds of:
Back Extensions or Good Mornings
800m run
Post rounds to comments.
There numerous CrossFit events happening this season in the metro area? Check the events listing on the left for more information. Challenging yourself in local competitions is a great way to test your fitness and meet other like minded folks.
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Christy Butch aka Pebbles is a Level 1 CrossFit Certified Trainer, CrossFit Olympic Certified Trainer, CrossFit Nutrition Certified, and a certified Mark Rippetoe Strength Coach. Christy has worked with Coach Mike Burgener from Mike’s Gym located in CA assisting him at his Certification seminars in the US. She has a history in bodybuilding including the title of 1st place in the Ms. South Carolina Bodybuilding Championship in her weight class and 3rd place in the Eastern Seaboard Classic here in Atlanta and was awarded the title of best poser of the Seaboard Classic. Christy trained people at a sports gym in college and taught group instruction for many years. Christy was introduced to CrossFit by Brad and Kim Trego after being out of the fitness industry for quite a while. “CrossFit was what brought me back to the addiction of fitness.” Christy’s motto is “Be strong. Live Long” Christy’s clients see fast results and enjoy how different and intense the daily work outs are.
Christy Butch is the mother of two boys and she and her husband are the Co-Founders of Maximum Potential Kids, an organization that teaches people how to work with children with autism.www.maximumpotentialkids.com
Email me at christybutch1@me.com
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