Wednesday Workout of the Day

A. 2 Power Cleans EMOM for 8 minutes. 65-70% 1RM
B. 3 RFT:
25 KBS 53/35
25 burpees

Welcome Jenn, Carol, Marjan, Barbara, Belle and Jasmine!

Welcome Jenn, Carol, Marjan, Barbara, Belle and Justine!


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Thursday Workout of the Day

EMOM for 10 Min
Even Minute: 3 HSPU
Odd Minute: 8 Toe 2 Bar


KBS 70/53

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The Festivus Games are this Saturday at 9:00am at Crossfit Garage! Let’s go cheer for our athletes. Carpool departs from CFNF at 8:00am. Don’t forget to wear your CFNF tshirt!

Jenny pulls a heavy load

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Monday Workout of the Day

Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
20 Burpees
15 Two-hand dumbbell Bent over row, 50 pounds each

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Be sure to check the home page for our Holiday Schedule!

The last song on The Sopranos is also featured in the pilot of Glee. What is it and who is the artist? First person to answer wins a free Kill Cliff

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Thursday Workout of the Day

A1. Pull Ups @3111 X 5 Reps X 3 sets
A2. Push Press @1111 X 3-5 reps X 3 sets


7 Rounds:

7 Box Jumps 24/20 you may touch and go after full extension of the hip
7 Ring Dips
7 Toe 2 Bar
7 Burpees
7 Goblet Squats 70/53
7 DB Split Snatch (total) 50/35

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Trivia:  What native american was the nfl’s first president?  First person to post an answer on the blog wins a free Kill Cliff!

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Wednesday Workout of the Day

For time:
30 Handstand push-ups
50 Back Extensions
30 Knees to elbows
225 pound Deadlift, 30 reps
40 pound Dumbbell push press, 30 reps
50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
Row 20 calories
10 Muscle-ups

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Friday – Workout of the Day

for time:
1 Power Clean – 115#/80#
10 Push Jerk – 115#/80#
2 Power Clean – 115#/80#
9 Push Jerk – 115#/80#
3 Power Clean – 115#/80#
8 Push Jerk – 115#/80#
4 Power Clean – 115#/80#
7 Push Jerk – 115#/80#
5 Power Clean – 115#/80#
6 Push Jerk – 115#/80#
6 Power Clean – 115#/80#
5 Push Jerk – 115#/80#
7 Power Clean – 115#/80#
4 Push Jerk – 115#/80#
8 Power Clean – 115#/80#
3 Push Jerk – 115#/80#
9 Power Clean – 115#/80#
2 Push Jerk – 115#/80#
10 Power Clean – 115#/80#
1 Push Jerk – 115#/80#

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Monday – Happy Birthday Xena!

For time:
70 Burpees
60 Sit-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods
40 Pull-ups
30 Handstand push-ups

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CrossFit North Fulton

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