Tuesday Workout of the Day

EMOM for 12 Min
ODD: 8 Toe 2 Bar
Even: 8 HR Push Ups


3 Sprints:
15 KBS 70/53
40 Double Unders
3 Min Rest

CrossFit Teens, Jake and Max.

CrossFit Teens, Jake and Max.

CrossFit Kids Summer Schedule:
Kids – 7 years to 11
June 3 to Aug 1
Mon and Th 3:15 to 4

Mon, Tues, Thurs 10:30-11:30
Starting June 3

For more info:

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Tuesday Workout of the Day

A1.  Left External Shoulder Rotation @3010 X 10 reps  X 3 sets
A2. Right External Shoulder Roation @3010 X 10 reps X 3 sets
A3. Left Powell Raise @3010 X 10 reps X 3 sets
A4. Right Powell Raise @3010 X 10 reps X 3 sets


EMOM 16 Minutes
ODD Min: 6 GHD Sit Ups
EVEN Min: 5 UB Power Snatch- You choose the weight

Gladys went from bootcamp to competitor!  Great job!

Gladys went from bootcamp to competitor! Great job!

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