Monday Workout of the Day

A1. Shoulder Press @3010 X 5 reps X 3 sets (do 1 set then go to pull up bar)
A2. Negative Pull Ups @40×1- use a partner if needed (advanced do weighted negatives)
B. Split Squats @3010 X 10 reps X 3 sets

Met con:
5 Rounds
10 Thrusters 95/65
100m run
10 Burpees
1 Min Rest

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First ever CrossFit Olympic Cert with an all female staff. The man in the pic just wanted his picture taken with all the girls!

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Wednesday Workout of the Day

A. Strict Pull Ups @3111 – 5 reps – 3 sets
B. Shoulder Press @3011 – 5 reps – 3 sets

Advanced: Do weighted pull ups at a 3111 tempo. That means 3 counts down, 1 hold with your chin over the bar, one count down and one count up. Tempo for the press is 3011 meaning 1 count up, 1 count hold at the top, three counts down, right back up.

Scaled Strict Pull Ups: Grab a partner and do Negative Pull Ups at the same tempo as advanced. Help your partner over the bar and slowly lower to full extension.


AMRAP 15 Min:
200m Row
10 Wall Balls
10 Toe 2 Bar
20 Double Unders

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It’s all about balance.

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Saturday – Team Workout

Pull Ups CrossFit North Fulton

2 Rounds for time:

20 Partner Muscle Ups

60 Wall Ball Shots while partner holds chin over pull up bar

100m Buddy Carry or Farmers walk

40 Alternating Box Jumps 24 in


1 mile run (together)(you only run 1 time)

This is a two person team workout.  Break up the reps however you like.  Go in any order. Post time to comments.






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