Context: Practice
Mobility: Shoulder
Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 10 minutes working up to a challenging squat clean + front squat (80-90%) or perform 2 reps of the complex each minute on the minute for 6 minutes.
Strength: none
Super Set: none
Metabolic Conditioning: Cinco de “Cindy”
20 minute AMRAP (As many rounds as possible)
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)
Team: Alternate with a partner, divide the work up as desired OR alternate rounds (as long as you alternate whole rounds it can still be logged as “RX” Cindy!)
Optional Murph Prep: 20 rounds with a 20lb vest for time, Scaling Guide: 18-25 minutes. (Murph will be scheduled for Memorial Day weekend)
Scaling Guide: 10-20 rounds.
Compare to: Cindy
Coaching Tips: Go in big sets from the beginning on this one (unbroken as long as possible). Then start breaking in the middle of the sets but avoid resting between movements. Hustle to the next movement and get some reps done before pausing. For example, break in the middle of the set of squats, get chalk, then finish and go right into the pull ups (don’t finish the squats, get chalk, then start the pull ups). And don’t overdue the chalk and leave handprints everywhere! You should also have a plan for counting rounds, this one is easy to lose count on.
Optional ‘Cash Out’: none
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