Bootcamp 8AM:
800m Run
+ 3 Rounds:
1 Min Ball Slams
1 Min Box Jumps
1 Min DB Push Press
1 Min Battle Ropes
1 Min Rest
+ EMOM 5:
10/7 Push Ups + AMRAP Air Squats
CrossFit 9AM:
Context: Practice
Mobility: Ankle
Skill Practice Warm Up: None
Strength: none
Super Set: none
Metabolic Conditioning: “Indians and Cowboys”
25 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) – Teams of 3
With a partner, split the work up any way you desire, one person working at a time (except on double unders / bear crawl).
10 shoulder press (Health: 55lb / Athletic: 85lb* / Performance: 135lb)
120 double unders (total for team, everyone working at the same time)
20 power snatches (same)
120 double unders (total for team, everyone working at the same time)
30 Front squats (same)
120 double unders (total for team, everyone working at the same time)
40′ bear crawl (everyone)
INDIVIDUAL VERSION: AMRAP in 18 minutes 4 shoulder press, 40 double unders, 8 power snatches, 40 double unders, 12 front squats, 40 double unders, 1 min rest
*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)
Scaling Guide: 2.5 – 5 rounds, about 7:30 per round.
Compare to: December 3, 2016
Coaching Tips: Split up the barbell work often, and keep in mind that, generally, everyone will be doing double unders together at the same time to get the total reps. That means that the only ‘resting’ that will be happening is on the barbell movements. Have a plan as to who will do more of the movements that they are better at before the workout starts. The goal is to have the barbell in constant motion during the sets and never be ‘stuck’ where everyone needs a break. Some people may want to do more of the double unders (like two people doing 60/60 while the third person rests and that is fine (and may be a good strategy)!
Optional ‘Cash Out’: 20′ suitcase lunge steps, 6 bootlegger burpees 20’, 3 rounds
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