Tuesday at CrossFit North Fulton

For time:
Run 1600 meters
150 Double-unders
50 Burpees
Run 800 meters
100 Double-unders
35 Burpees
Run 400 meters
50 Double-unders
20 Burpees

Beginners cut these numbers by 50%.   Post time to comments.

CrossFit Gym in Roswell

Herbie shows us his handstand walk!

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Monday – Last day to complete the bracketology WOD.

Team CFNF representing at SIAD!  

3 Rounds:

400m run – 21 Box Jumps – 12 BW Deadlifts

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If you've already done the bracketology WOD then:

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:

Chest-to-bar pull-up
Box jump, 30 inch box
GHD sit-up – or weighted sit ups


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Friday – We are closed tomorrow for the Affiliate League in a Day!



FRIDAY 120413

Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Natalie Burgener 105, 125, 135, 155, 165, 170. 175lbs.
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Alt WOD:

7 Rounds:

3 Squat Cleans 135/95

10 Tire Flips

25 Double Unders

Post load/time to comments.


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Thursday We Are Closed This Saturday


Kevin looks too happy.  

For time:
Run 800 meters
10 rounds of the couplet:
Pull-up, 10 reps
Ring dip, 10 reps
Run 800 meters

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*********We will be closed this Saturday for the Atlanta League in a Day Competition****************


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Tuesday – We will be Closed this Saturday for Atlanta League in a Day.


Love that face!


10 min @ 80%:

3 ring dips

6 KBS – 1.5/1 pd

15 double unders

(rest 5 min walking)

10 min @ 80%:

Building Run

10 push press – 75/50#

5 toes to bar

(rest 5 min walking)

10 min @ 80%:

row 150 m

5 burpees

5 hang power clean – 95/65#

(rest 5 min walking)

Work as hard as you can for the ten minutes knowing you will get the 5 min rest.  This workout is designed to help you get better at long end workouts yet won't fatigue your muscles.


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Monday – Clean & Jerks!

What a great artist!

Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Caity Matter Henniger 145, 155, 175, 180, 190(f), 190, 190lbs.
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***********We will be closed this Saturday for Atlanta League in a Day Competition at CrossFit Addiction********

All the coaches and some members will be competing this coming Saturday.  Come cheer us on!



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Saturday – Partner WOD!

Sophia loves to warm up with the PVC.

Partner WOD:  Male/Female

10 Rounds

 5 Barbell Bear Complex  115/75 (Power Clean + Front Squat + Overhead+ Back Squat + Overhead) 

1 Med Ball Suicide Run

One partner works at a time.  Each partner must complete one full round before switching.  


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