Wednesday Workout of the Day


The Winners!

Congrats to Brandon and Lauren on winning Bracketology! Man it was a close competition! The top two teams were neck and neck until the end. Brandon/Lauren team won by 10 seconds! Great job to all competitors and many thanks to Whole Foods for the winners baskets!

AMRAP 30 min
Run 400
15 burpees

[wptab name=’8:30AM Hiit’]

5 sets:
12 Pull Ups
10 DB Thrusters 25/15
20 Push Ups
500m Row
50 Double Unders
Rest 3 Min

Switch order for each set. Try to stay consistent in your times.



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Thursday Workout of the Day

Bracketology WOD #8 (or 9?)
5 Rounds for time:
400m Run
15 OHS 95/65 75/55 45/33

You have until Saturday to complete this workout. You must have a judge.

[wptab name=’8:30AM Strength’]A. CGBP @30×1
70% X 3
80% X 3
90% X 3+
80% X 3
70% X 3
B1. Push Jerk X 6-8 X 3; 90s
B2. Wtd Pull Ups@3111 X 5 X 3; 90s
C1. Floor Press @10×1 X 10 X 3; 60s
C2. Seated DB Bicep Curl @2010 X 10 X 3; 60s
D1. Wtd Sit Ups X 10 X 3; 1 min rest
D2. FLR in Rings 60s X 3; 1 min rest



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Monday Workout of the Day


Row 250
10 burpees
15 KBS 70/53
10 burpees
15 KBS 70/53
10 burpees
Row 250
Rest EXACTLY 12 min

Record total time.

[wptab name=’8:30 AM Hiit’]

Tabata This:
Row for Cal
Double Unders for reps
KBS – 35#

1 Minute rest between stations


Rogers Centre in Toronto

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Thursday Workout of the Day

Bracketology WOD 6
You have until Saturday to complete this workout;

20 min to establish 3 rm power clean plus 1 shoulder to overhead on the last rep.

Hands must remain on the bar. You may have up to a 5 second reset but cannot remove your hands. The overhead movement finishes at full extension with the feet brought back together.

Rest 3 min

Tabata Sit Ups
Fingertips must touch the floor above your head and a dumbbell at your feet. Both feet must stay on the ground.

Rest 3 min

60 sec AD for Max Calories


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Thursday Workout of the Day

Bracketology WOD 4
AMRAP 1 minute at each station:
HSPU ( sub is L seated dumbell press 25/15)
KB SDLHP 70/53
Box Jumps 24/20
Row for calories
Add total reps and calories for score.

20140514-201452.jpgPhotographic proof that Brad works out.

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