Saturday Workout of the Day

“Running Annie”
Sit Ups
Double Unders
400 m run after each set. There are a total of 5 runs.

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Thursday Workout of Day

A1. DB BP @30×1 X 6-8 reps; 60s Rest
A2. 1 Arm DB Row @30×1 X 10 reps; 60s Rest X 3 sets


Double Unders
Sit Ups

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Tuesday Workout of the Day

Every 4min for 4 rounds:
A1. Front Squat x 1 (Heavy)
A2. DB single arm Bent over Row @4111 4-5 (Heavy, use a KB if you have to)
double unders

More Rows??? Yes please! At this point in our programming we are working on “structural” stability and strength. Rows are a great exercise for building pulling strength which is a skill that transfers to muscle ups, pull ups, chest to bar pull ups, snatch and clean and jerk. Expect to see more complex movements in August.


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Thursday Workout of the Day

A1. Weighted DB Step Ups X 15/leg rest 1 min then A2 (4 sets)
A2. Pendlay Rows @3011 X 3.3.3 X 4 (cluster set; 10 second rest on each “.”)


Double Unders
Sit Ups – hand touch the toes, not the heels.

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Wednesday Workout of the Day 9:00AM


21-15-9 reps of:
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips

rest 10 Min then

Double Unders
Sit Ups

Post time to comments. Big Dawgs come at 10:00am. No open gym at 9:00 during class.

How much carbohydrates do you need for optimum performance?

Two CrossFit Games competitors under one roof! Diane McKinney & Mary Lampas from CrossFit Ute.

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Wednesday Workout of the Day

A1. 20 1 Arm OH Lunges 10/r/l rest 1 Min
A2. 2-3 Rope Climbs rest 2 Min X 4 sets


Double Unders
Sit Ups (Unanchored, no cheating, touch your toes)

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Double Unders
Sit Ups

Rest 10 Min

3 X 5
Weighted Push Ups
3 X 5 (3 counts down/1 count up)
CrossFit North Fulton

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