Saturday Workout of the Day

Buy in: 800m Run, split it anyway.
Hiit: 30s on 30s off X 3 Rounds: (2 min)
Battle Rope Slams
Med Ball Burpee
Push Ups
Tire Flips
Jumping Lunges
Ball Slams
Oblique Crunches

Cash out: 400m Sandbag Carry each player.

In teams of three Row a 5K alternating every 300m.

P1 rows 300M
P2 does 10 OHS 95/65 and burpees over the barbell for the remainder of the row time
P3 does 15 box overs 24/20 and CTB the remainder of the row time.

Everyone rotates when the 300m is obtained. Keep rotating every 300m until a 5K is reached.

Score is teams collective number of burpees over the barbell and CTB pull ups. Keep track of your scored points nad post team name and total to the board.

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