Saturday Workout of the Day

Sled Drag Helen

With a partner share:
4 x 100m sled drags 135/90
AND 3 rounds of:
800m run(400M each at same time)
42 KBS
24 pull ups
AND 4 x 100m sled drags 135/90

Partners run the 800M (400m each)together but 1 person works at a time on all ther exercises. Do not start KBS until both members are back int he gym.

Bootcamp Hold ’em
In teams of 3 or 4
Hearts: Push Up with Cross Climber
Diamonds:Shuttle Runs (10m)
Spades: KBS
Clubs: Wall Balls
Joker: Block Run

Pick a captain. Each team gets half of a random deck. (26 cards) All team members must complete all the reps per card before flipping the next card. One person works at a time on the Wall Balls and KBS.

Jacks = 11 reps
Queens = 12 reps
Kings = 13 reps
Aces = 14 reps

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