Monday Workout Of The Day

• 1 Set: False Grip Pull-Up Hangs (hang at bottom for 10 – 30 seconds)

• 8 Sets: 3 Baby Muscle Ups – faster speed.

• 5 Sets: 3 Ring Dips with a Pause ( Explosive push after the pause)

• 5 Sets: 3 False Grip Pull Ups (fast, palms facing each other)

-Put the least amount of weight through your legs as possible

if you have your muscle up do:
EMOM 12:
Minute 1: 3-5 muscle ups
Minute 2: 50 Ft HS Walk
Minute 3: 30 Double Unders
Minute 4: Lsit 30 seconds


3 rounds for time of:
50 double-unders
15 dumbbell squat clean thrusters 45/30
15 burpees
50 double-unders
Rest 2 minutes

Post each round’s time and total time to board.

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